Tuesday 18 July 2017


Instead of a lead teacher, today I became: 
1. Parent-Child translator/communicator/ middle person
2. Drama director
3. Vocal teacher
4. Disciplinarian
5. Christian youth leader
6. Justifier

The morning started with hecticness when I had to meet a Malaysian father with a difficult son. Malaysian father has very high hopes for the school and insists on sending his son to the school. I had to lay out expectations after seeing the child again. It's gonna be another difficult season with a new child coming in because he wasn't socially accepted in his previous school. Father said he wants his child to change in terms of character. There you go, I'm definitely being put here not to change (only) on academics but also characters.

Well, I can't complain because I really think a child should grow holistically. A child with a brain doesn't mean always have a heart. 

Let's look at today as a whole: 

Class is quite controllable today. Apart of having practices on drama and singing, I was glad that the kids were quite settle when I came into the class at 1 pm. The dream class. Although I would think that they are quite settle, some are still slacking a lot and I had to keep my eyes on them most of the time. I am that teacher who can't stand children slacking. 

After a long half of the day, I had to see two girls who one of them caught smoking in a restaurant nearby. Both are Christians. But that didn't hit me when I was meeting with them. Firstly, it seemed that they didn't think it was quite serious. I totally understand because some of my friends used to "try" a puff or two out of curiosity when we were younger. So I was actually struggling to voice my anger in them. Both girls are considered one of the good students in school. Things just happen out of curiosity and because of low will-power. 

What actually was supposed to be a "see the lead teacher for scolding session" became a counselling session. A Christian Youth Counselling session. I went on by saying how I had strong will-power and didn't let the peers to influence me. I told them about how God loves them by sending a whistle-blower to us. Otherwise, they would have caught the addiction in smoking. I told them about how the devil has won the battle when she took the first puff and related the whole situation to Adam and Eve.

This was really unintentional and it took us almost an hour. 

It's so important to pray for words of Wisdom from God in order to touch of these young souls. 

God, I really pray for clarity, strength and wisdom every day. Words are so important. 

The girl teared a few times which I hope the words from Him hit her into realisation. Really. 

Thank you God for another tough day. 

Monday 30 July 2012

back... to the backstage?


So i'm back here typing out something! Yays? Well, no one exactly gonna read what I'm posting anyway (except for the person who urged me to reopen my blog, yes. you. Joel Tay :p)

I'm back as an unofficial graduate and as a young working adult who works her sweat off with really low pay, cause we, auditors live like that. or maybe, just the Malaysian workers. or maybe, Sabahan workers. tsks.

Work has been good to me lately as I learnt through the days. I learnt how to be braver to talk to clients, learnt how to get things myself and learnt how....to photocopy! -.- Basically everytime I use the client's photocopy machine, it's always out of paper. So I had to walked down and up the stairs just to get papers. Pretty much working as the client's staff now. lol.


i just wanna do a count down...


you'll know what i'm talking about soon :p

Wednesday 7 December 2011


When you think you did okay *do the hand moves* for your individual assignment, then your lecturer proved you wrong by saying "Shereen, you did a great job in your individual assignment" "You really did good".

I stunned and nothing comes out from my mouth except "Ohh... But... but... it was really hard... I didn't really have time to do it...prop...."

Then the lecturer cut in - "You really did a good job... especially your Conclusion. I like how you conclude the whole thing. It shows that you really understand the whole concept" "Yeah, so you should expect your coursework marks now and start calculating to aim for finals :)"

I really should stop feeling doubtful and start thinking/reacting fast to compliments. This was the 2nd time I've got complimented by the same lecturer. Although I know my heart was screaming "Thank You" and how much I really wanted to blurt it out in a very sincere way, I just tend to hold-back for God knows why. Sigh.

My 3 coursemates did pretty good too! That's what the lecturer said :)

NOTE TO SELF: Gotta write a thank you card to her! before the semester ends.

Anyways, I'm really thankful for these few days and I want to transfer these energy to Joel at the moment. He's struggling with his core subject lecturer and the subject itself. I really want to his smiles again, without the stressful look. =/

So my last class of the semester just ended. It's not only for this semester, but also for the whole 2011. And I know I won't be having class during this day, next year. I wished I could have cherish more of these days before I graduate. Oh wells. The classes have ended, so that means my semester is almost reaching the end. How do I want it to end - really depends on how I do in the exams. Aside from God, Family, Joel and Friends, Academics is what I should be focusing on and aim for because this is one of the gift that He gave to me.

I shall pray for those who are gonna have their exams and also their health. And make sure they win their battle on stress and pressure. :)

Tuesday 6 December 2011


Thinking too much doesn't mean you're good. It keeps you from enjoying the current experiences.
I hope the paranoid me fades slowly as I grow with Him.

Both of us forgot that our relationship has turned 3 months old yesterday.
We were too caught up with our own activities and thoughts (i.e. zoning out).
Happy 3 Months Anniversary Dear Joel.

I'm sorry for being a jealous girlfriend. Thanks for believing in me. <3


I've posted this in my Facebook status, 
You have assigned me my portion and my cup; you have made my lot secure. The boundary lines have fallen for me in peasant places; surely I have a delightful inheritance. I will praise you, who counsels me; even at night my heart instructs me. I have set you always before me. Because you are at my right hand, I will not be shaken.Thank you Heaven Daddy :) -Psalm 16:5-8

Taking FB as a place to voice out positive thoughts instead of posting irrelevant stuffs such as nasty quotes or pictures. I think the modern generations have created humiliation among themselves that they don't realise until they see other people doing the same thing. At the end of the day, they started commenting on what the other has done but not themselves. Hmm. Hypocrites? Egoisms? You name it.

I am here to post about how grateful am I for Him making a great day for me! :)
Finally the lecturer announced best group presentation and she praised our group for being the best. I'm pretty surprised with Ching Huey too! who just got chosen as the best presenter. I'm really happy cause my group has done so well in giving good impressions to the lecturers although we faced difficulties along the way. I want to thank God for giving me the strength to handle the stress and pressure during the assignment period. I want to thank Him for also providing me the patience when it comes to dealing with groupmates and people around me during the hectic period. There were definitely people who got hurt by me and hurt me as well but at the end of the day, I choose to forgive and forget like how He forgave us from the sins that we have committed into in the pasts. 

Secondly, I want to thank God for sending me such wonderful people into my life. The first friend that I've met in Uni and we became good friend for almost 2 years. Although the friendship idled in the middle of the period, we managed to save it back till today :) Emily for being such a great friend although I sometimes do get frustrated with what she do, be it in classes or during other activities. I still love her the way she is. She treated me in a very unexpected way. I've been having issues in insignificance towards people around me especially during early this year but Emily has given much attention on me (I feel sorry if I did not appreciate most of the time because I took it for granted).  She always put me into conversations with others and unknowingly, we know each other really well that amazes people around us. Thank you God for sending her to me and being the best companion when I need someone to talk to. I hope you will reveal yourself to her and changes her life with the good news from you :)

Last but not least, I always want to thank God for sending Joel to me. He amazes me all the time and I feel rather comfortable being with him. Even though there'll be rocky days between us, I hope that both of us will grow stronger with You as well as with each other so that the relationship will last and work smoothly. Joel is an amazing person who I can really spend my time with. It's also because I'm in love with him. We don't talk much, but we love each others' company. I hope our feelings grow as we aged. Thank you Heaven Daddy for making the relationship happen.


Monday 5 December 2011


It's hard the expectations' one has for you.
But what matters most is the process of meeting the expectations.

Nevertheless, I still love your imperfections.
It's definitely one of the challenges in life, but when you learned to love, the feeling is overwhelming :)

Thank you love.
Thank you Heaven Daddy for putting us next to each other during this period of time.
I wish it'll lasts <3

Thursday 15 July 2010


Talked to mom when I was supposed to study in the library (was during break time :) heh)

We talked about Michelle Kwan, Kim YuNa and Kimora Lee.
Kim Yuna has always been my inspiration but when I saw Michelle Kwan. Gosh. She's the most elegant lady I've ever seen! Kimora Lee is the most perfect lady in the world. She has her own style, brain and capacity to work in whatever conditions! Such a corporate woman!

Kimora and her girls

Michelle Kwan (She's just so natural!)

Kim YuNa with her skates. Loving her pure innocent appearance

Thus, these 3 beautiful ladies are my inspirations in order for me to achieve my goals in life.

When others can, you can too! heh.

Sher Wong

p/s : you don't need to change to impress someone or show off that you can do what the others can't. Just be yourself and believe in who you actually are. Live life the most comfortable way you could get before you regret. You'll feel ashame when you think back and see yourself being a puppet trying so hard to get everyone around you to like you.